About Me

I am a bisexual trans man who likes making art, playing video games, and learning languages. I speak three, and in order of proficiency, they are: English, Japanese, and Italian. I'm currently in school learning graphic design and web development. I don't know if it'll make a good career path for me, but I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Some things I love include, but are not limited to: all things horror (movies/books/etc), goth music, music in general, video games, retro tech, tech in general, the colors purple + green (especially when combined), frogs, bats, cats, all types of reptiles and amphibians, and much more...
I'm something of an audiophile and I like to collect music in flac format, and rip high quality flacs from CDs. Too poor to afford decent headphones though, so it's a bit futile. lol